

Dear Fibroid,

So many changes are taking place. I feel like a release of so much stuff I've been holding onto for so long is upon me. They say sickness is weakness leaving the body. Your removal represents the beginning of new.

You have successfully made me emotional, sensitive (much more than usual) and hold onto things I know have run their course in my life. I thank you for the lessons, the tears, the denial, the fears. As we part, I send you away knowing that my wings are prepared to unclip, my dreams are ready to soar, I am ready to move on. We've been together for approximately 4 years. Four years too long, yet long enough for me to know when something no longer serves me. I'm confident that you will not return. The only way the butterfly effect applies is me loving me enough to set you free and return to living, rejoicing, laughing and stepping into the bigness I am so ready for.

And Goodbye.

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