
The Buttercreamery

A mother of four that has never formally baked in her life has turned a one time chance into a career. That's what I'm talking about! That's what this New World is all about: Taking your life by the reigns and running it. Going for it and not letting anything stop you. My friend always said "I just want to stay home and be a housewife." This was three kids ago. Today, a year after leaving the corporate world behind, she's a chef. An in demand, Self-Taught chef. 

After a frustrating shopping event that left her wondering why birthday cakes cost so much money ($50-WHAT!), this adorable 35 year old Florida woman decided to bake the cake her damn self. $200 and a mess of a kitchen later, Voila! A business. It was that simple. And it can be that simple for all of us.

What is your whisper? You know. You hear it. Don't be afraid to listen. Try it, it'll open up a world you never thought possible...until it was!

Let's Live People! Let's Live!

Check out her other creations here:

The Buttercreamery

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