
Table for one please.

People who are new to enlightenment run a fine line between appearing pompous and becoming distant. When we (we as in any of us) step into our true nature and break down those false walls, we are so filled with freedom that we forget how long it took us to get there. We subconsciously slide into judgement and begin to "preach" to others heading down a path we've crossed.

I recently had dinner with a few friends. One friend- like myself has been studying the teachings of Marianne Williamson and A New Earth. A few hours into dinner, the conversation turns to one of the guys and his apparent "co-dependent" behavior. As we start speaking to him, I realized that the two of us were ganging up on him; making him very uncomfortable. He was embarrassed and in an instant I noticed that we were playing a high & mighty and judging this beautiful soul. I started to question how I was showing up. More than that: what authority did I have to attack someone in this way? Immediately, I stopped and decided that I needed to be about my business and get out of his. 

I then fought the tendency to feel bad and beat up on myself for the treatment toward him. I apologized and realized that this was yet another lesson for me:
Self-Awareness and growth is a wonderful tool for advancement. However, I must be careful not to project my residual fears (and self-appointed daggers) onto another person. Each of us finds our way when we, individually, find our way. And no one can be forced into the process. 

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