
"Swoop" says The Universe!

Thinking of doing this for my birthday- the ultimate form of letting go.

You know that quote, "When one door closes, another opens"? Well I'd like to change that to: 

When one door closes...jump through a window!

I recently decided to change the trajectory of my future and jump through a few windows. With a clear consciousness, I set about, determined to be the tour guide in my glorious life, a role I used to play with grace that has alluded me over the past few years. But how wonderful it feels to be back in the saddle, directing the course with drive and perseverance. 

As I began plotting my course, I imagined the sail to take me in one direction but as usual, God had other plans. 

Sidebar: This quote is the truth: "If you wanna make God laugh, make plans."

Over the past few days, I have literally gotten three separate offers! Leaving me in a wonderful state of shock! I really feel that the Universe "Swooped" down on me, but only because...I was open. 

During a mediation moment, I heard that whisper..."Surrender, Jade." 
And I listened. 
And I let go. 
And I surrendered. 
Now here I sit with a decision to make. 

I'm not nervous. Instead, I'm ambitiously grateful and excited about the perspective of my future. I knew it would happen, I just didn't know how it would happen, nor did I know that it would happen in clusters. Some doors had to close for clarity to walk through and (although tough) I know that the lessons were strategically ordered. 

See you on the other side of love, Beautiful People!

Sidebar again: 

At this moment I. AM. Killing. A. Plate. Of. Ethiopian Food- with my hands (as is expected when one eats this culinary delicacy.) If you are in LA, please support Industry Cafe in Culver City. This food is AMAZING!

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